The U.S. Trustee assigned to the Golfsmith International Holdings’ case filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court an objection to the Debtors’ motion for an order approving bidding procedures for the sale of substantially all of the Debtors’ assets, scheduling an auction and hearing to approve the sale, approving the form and manner of the notice of sale, auction and sale hearing and approving the sale of substantially all of the Debtors’ assets free and clear of liens, claims, interests and encumbrances.
The Trustee asserts, “The Motion does not provide sufficient information for the U.S. Trustee to determine whether a consumer privacy ombudsman needs to be appointed to protect personally identifiable information about individuals….It is the understanding of the U.S. Trustee that the Debtors’ privacy policy does not permit the transfer of individual phone numbers, or the sale of individual email addresses, unless certain exceptions are met. Accordingly, it appears that appointment of a consumer privacy ombudsman is necessary. The U.S. Trustee requests that the Debtors confirm that it is the Debtors’ intent to address any and all issues related to consumer privacy under Section 363(b)(1) in any subsequent order seeking approval of a sale under the sale procedures.”
Read more Golfsmith bankruptcy news.
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