Caesars Entertainment Operating Company filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court a Third Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization.
According to documents filed with the Court, “On the Effective Date, OpCo shall issue OpCo Series A Preferred Stock. As described more fully in the Restructuring Transactions Memorandum, OpCo will merge into a newly formed subsidiary of New CEC (or its predecessors) pursuant to the CEOC Merger. In exchange for the CEOC Merger, on the Effective Date, New CEC shall issue New CEC Common Equity in accordance with the Plan distributions in Article III hereof in exchange for the OpCo Series A Preferred Stock to the Holders of Prepetition Credit Agreement Claims, Secured First Lien Notes Claims, and Non-First Lien Claims pursuant to the terms of the Plan.”
Court-filed documents continue, “The percentages of New CEC Common Equity issued pursuant to the Plan will take into account any dilution that would otherwise occur based on the potential conversion of New CEC Convertible Notes to New CEC Common Equity but will not take into account the New CEC Common Equity Buyback. On the Effective Date, New CEC shall pay the RSA Forbearance Fees pursuant to the Bond RSA, the Bank RSA, and the Second Lien RSA. On the Effective Date, New CEC shall use at least $1,000,000,000 of the CIE Equity Buyback Proceeds to purchase New CEC Common Equity from the New CEC Common Equity Buyback Participants at the New CEC Common Equity Buyback Purchase Price.”
In addition, “To the extent the Debtors determine in good faith that the New CEC Common Equity Buyback would have negative consequences with respect to the tax treatment of the Spin Structure, the Debtors may modify the New CEC Common Equity Buyback solely in a manner necessary to avoid such negative consequences only if the Second Priority Noteholders Committee has given its written consent. Without limiting the rights of the Second Priority Noteholders Committee as described in the preceding sentence, in the event that the Second Priority Noteholder Committee does not consent to a proposed modification of the New CEC Common Equity Buyback, then the Second Priority Noteholder Committee shall be provided reasonable opportunity to identify other nationally recognized tax counsel (including but not limited to one of the ‘Big Four’ accounting firms) to issue opinions that may be required that the Debtors are unable to obtain.”
Read more CEOC bankruptcy news.
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